
Armored Core Challenge Pt. 2

IMG_1858 IMG_1878IMG_1873I’m proud of the progress my body has made within the last year. I’ve been training hard and the hard work has paid off. It’s going to be hard to catch me with my stomach covered this summer!

Here’s a little ab challenge that I did this week and you guys should definitely try it.

40 Sit Ups – 6 lbs medicine ball overhead

25 Leg raises – 4 lbs ankle weights on each leg

1 min plank hold (elbows)

45 sec active rest

1 min side plank hold (left)

1 min side plank hold (right)

40 Russian twists – 6 lbs medicine ball

Scissor kicks – 4 lbs ankle weights on each leg

1 min plank hold (elbows)

90 sec break

Repeat once

This is not a beginners workout! However, if you’re an eager beginner and want to try this workout you can, you just have to tweak it a bit. Try the same workout just exclude all the different weights I included or lower the reps/time of the exercises. If you feel you’re more advanced than this, repeat it twice, increase the reps, use heavier weights, whatever you feel is better for you. The ball is in your court!

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